Libro de reclamaciones Ingles Online Store: Online sales do not apply to minors under 18 years of age.
1. Identification of the Consumer Complainant
Document type
- Seleccione - DNI Passport RUC
Father, mother or guardian data.
Document type
- Seleccione - DNI Passport RUC
2. Identification of the contracted good
3. Details of the complaint and the consumer's request.
Dissatisfaction not related to the products or services or discomfort or dissatisfaction regarding customer service. The formulation of the complaint does not preclude other means of dispute resolution nor is it a prerequisite for filing a complaint with INDECOPI.
Dissatisfaction related to products or services.
The supplier must respond to the claim within a term no longer than thirty (30) calendar days, and may extend the term for up to thirty (30) more days, prior notice to the consumer.
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